This book is great! Each chapter is funny, short - around 3 pages - and has a great point! At the end of each chapter there are questions to get you thinking about what you just read to apply it to your own life along with several applicable Bible verses.
Each chapter is introduced by a different proverb followed by a personal narrative written in Patsy Clairmont's humorous way. I found myself laughing out loud while reading this book. Since the stories are applied to the proverb, it gives a new and memorable way to apply that proverb to your own life.
I think this would be a great book to use for a women's small group. The chapters are short enough that no reading ahead of time (homework) would be necessary; a chapter could just be read aloud when ladies arrive. And the questions would build intimacy among the group members.
Another perk of this book is where the applicable Bible verses are listed, it is not just the reference, but the actual Bible verse with its reference. That is a big bonus for me because I want to stay focused, not get distracted in trying to find a verse or spend a lot of time flipping through the Bible. This way, the verses are right there for you to study.