Really, I just spent $100 on a pair of SANDALS?!?! I, who love a good bargain, who am very frugal, and who rarely pamper myself, just spent $100 for ONE pair of sandals?? Really???
Here is my story (rationalization):
Last fall/winter (2008), I found these Mudd sandals clearanced for around $10. THAT is my kind of bargain! And aren't they cute?

So last summer I started wearing them. One of the straps immediately tore... I found a cobbler that was able to fix it for like $8 or something. In the mean time, I bought a pair of $5 flip flops to have something to wear. By the time my Mudd sandals were ready for me, my big toe had started hurting... it continued hurting when I wore the Mudd sandals. At one point I was in so much pain and had taken so much Tylenol and Ibuprofen ($5?), I decided it was time to see the doctor ($40)... Diagnosis: My big toe was stressed from wearing flip flop type shoes... Rx: Find new sandals. So for the rest of the summer I wore an ugly pair of mens sandals - they were on sale ($20) and they fit.
This summer I started wearing those ugly mens sandals but they were literally falling apart - I was leaving a trail of strings wherever I walked. So I got rid of them (without getting a picture) and started wearing my cute Mudd sandals again... After a couple days my toe started hurting again. Ouch!
I started sandal shopping again. My feet are picky and I'm cheap so I wasn't having any luck. I finally decided I would invest in a pair of good supportive sandals that wouldn't bother my feet or back. I decided I would find some Keen's.
They feel like tennis shoes, supportive-wise, and they are kind of cute...

I went to
Mast General Store (AWESOME place!) and had REAL shoe service - the manager put the shoe on my foot for me, etc. When I tried them on, I couldn't decide - they didn't hurt, but they are expensive... I kept walking around the store wearing them to see if that's what I really wanted but my feet started sweating. That wasn't going to work! If my feet are going to get hot in just a few minutes, who wants to smell my feet at the end of a hot summer day?!!?
So the manager suggested Chacos (which a few friends had recommended to me as well).

He said he wanted to check the size of my foot before going back to get the sandals. Okay, fine but I've worn a size 10 for as many years... SURPRISE! I don't wear a size 10! One foot is an 8.5-wide and the other is a 9-wide. (Maybe that is why I can never find shoes that fit right - I've been trying on the wrong size!) So the manager brought out some Chacos for me to try on and I was sold. They are comfortable, airy, and supportive. Unfortunately, the "stitch-brown" color I wanted had to be special-ordered in the 9W so I had to be patient... But I picked them up yesterday and am convinced after walking the dog for 45 minutes while wearing them that they were worth the investment! (Plus, they can be resoled and if the straps tear, they will be re-strapped for free.)
So, if these shoes really do last "forever" as advertised, they were/are a bargain! Even if they only last a couple years, they will be a bargain after looking at last year when I never found anything that worked, was in a lot of pain, and spent around $88! ($10 + $8 + $5 + $5 + $40 + $20)
glad to hear you've found "happy feet" -- I never bought decent shoes until I came to work at Mast - after proper fitting and some good Keens, Chacos and Danskos (and Superfeet inserts in cheapo shoes) I now walk with no back or foot pain. You are going to love your Chacos and they last FOREVER.