Monday, December 7, 2009
When we were in Indy last week, I bought a gallon of milk for $1.98 at Marsh. Marsh is not a WalMart - Marsh is a VERY nice (not cheap) store.
Then tonight, I talked to my mom who just bought a gallon of milk for Grandma near Cleveland for... are you ready? $0.99! WHAT?????????????? Can you ship me some?
Just the never-ending saga of TRYING to find bargains...
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Grocery Savings, Help Please!
However, when I saw a friend's blog posting the "average" spent on groceries for a family of our size in the United States (, I almost lost motivation. How discouraging! For a family of four with two children between the ages of six and eleven, the "thrifty" food plan monthly averages for 2009 are between $576.40 and $602.50. And that is just for food! We have a grocery envelope that we fund each month BELOW the "thrifty" food amount and it pretty much includes everything at WalMart: toilet paper, laundry detergent, dish detergent, makeup, soap, shampoo, cleaners, etc. Yes, we are down to bare cupboards and a bare refrigerator at the end of each month but we have a budget we have to stick to.
All of that to say, HELP! Friends have shared couponing/saving sites with me like:
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Smart Shopping
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
The Rooms of a Woman's Heart

"Your impatience does not change the timing of God in your life, and when you being to compare yourself with those around you, God does not relent. God quietly and tenderly reminds you that He is God and His promises remain true." p. 52
"Actually, maybe we are the ones with a twisted sense of favor, because what we think is horrible just may turn out to be wonderful! When God visits us and informs us of His plan, what we do not understand may bring unspeakable joy! What messes up our well-laid plans and possibly a delightful time in our lives just may be His divine handiwork!" p. 70
"If I throw out a boat hook from the boat and catch hold of the shore and pull, do I pull the shore to me, or do I pull myself to the shore? Prayer is not pulling God to my will, but the aligning of my will to the will of God." p. 185-186 quoting E. Stanley Jones
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Sleep Number
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Homeschooling A Family's Journey

Here are some quotes that we relate to all too well:
"But when we asked the teacher what kind of help she thought our daughter needed to improve she said, 'Why would you want to improve her performance? She's above average, isn't she?'"
Here is a part of the story they told when a test their daughter took had an obviously correct answer marked wrong:
"Yes, the answer is correct. But that's a fourth-grade answer, and your daughter is only in the second grade. She isn't supposed to know that yet."
And another quote, this one in regards to the parents' decision to homeschool:
"...that we could do worse than fail - we could refuse to try."
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Wii Active

Friday, February 6, 2009
Turbo Dry Jet Dry


"Nature hears one voice and obeys it. That is why ten or ten thousand birds may rise from the surface of a lake at the same time and yet never touch one another. Man hears only his own voice. He constantly bumps into another." (p. 143)Not that I'm one of those "one with nature" girls or that I am Hindu (as the person who said this is) but it just seemed very profound to me. As humans, we are so selfish and so busy worrying and thinking about ourselves that we bump into things. Birds listen to others and therefore can rise at the same time without collision...
"Oh, from time to time, I think about them all and what happened, but it's in the past now and the past gives us our strength, so to be sad about gaining strength is not very wise, is it?" (p. 275)I just thought this was a good way to look at life. I'm not saying to ignore the past or to not ever feel sad, especially when there is very good reason to be sad, but that positive outlook is amazing! (I'm trying...)